MSI Optix Monitor & Aegis TI5 Computer
I designed these 1:1 models of a MSI Aegis Ti5 desktop and a MSI Optix MAG274QRF-QD monitor on commission. These life-size models are, together, the largest I have ever assembled working as an independent firm; combined, they total more than 10,600 bricks, and took nearly 3 months to design and assemble.
Aegis model features a bespoke lighting system comprised of high-density RGB LED strips that follow the contours of the computer & shine through the front plate.
Optix model separates into large sub-assemblies for ease of shipping
Desktop computer measures more than 23” (75cm) tall, 24” (61cm) deep, and 11” (28cm) wide, and weighs over 28 lbs (nearly 10 kg), not counting its internal electrical components
Monitor measures more than 24 (61cm) wide, 20” (52cm) tall, and weighs over 14 lbs (4.8 kg)